Gourd Art Supplies – Build A Toolbox

Gourd Art Supplies

In our last two articles we have focused on how to create a gourd patch.  Hopefully that article has proven helpful and you and your gourdpatch have had some success in meeting in small groups.  As an extension to that discussion – we want to address what gourd art supplies should you have available for a new member or recommend to a new member.  Perhaps you’ve recruited some interested crafters that have never picked up a gourd in their life – We’d like to talk about what the best gourd art supplies you could suggest for them to begin filling in their tool box.gourd art supplies

For the context of this article, we won’t be focusing on power tool, like saws, sanders, or woodburning tools – but instead looking at the more smaller tools used.  For an indepth look at what wood burning tools for gourd or which jigsaw is recommended check out these posts.

Likely, if you are an experienced gourd crafter you already have the tools listed below.  Also equally likely, is that if you are new to gourds - but work with other crafts, you may find that the items listed below are already part of your toolbox.  That being said this is a handy reference to have either to have posted on your website, Facebook group page, or as a handout at your initial patch meetings, or as part of a welcome packet to new members.  If you are a new to the craft – spend some time looking at this list and fill in the hole that you might not already have.

Gourd Art Supplies - Where to find them?


Gourd Art Supplies

There are two approaches to take with the gourd art supplies list below -

  • Simply either hand out the suggested list, or post the list on your website/Facebook page - OR
  • Have the gourdpatch buy these, at least for the first initial meetings.  In particular, it may be worth getting some dust masks right away and have a supply available, just as a safety precaution for you newer less experienced members.

Gourd Art Supply List

X-Acto knife with asst. blades
Good quality dust mask
Small super glue
Pin vise drill or awl
Steel wool (0000)
Flexible ruler
Craft glue (small)
Sharp scissors (medium and small)
Wood putty
Various grit sandpaper
Craft tweezers
2 small clamps
This Gourd Mug!

Set of hemostats
Hand gourd saw
Rubber gloves for staining
Tracing stylus
Brush water container
Fine point sharpie or red ink pen
Asst. size brushes (liner, ¼” & 1”)
Tracing paper & carbon or Press N seal
Blue masking tape
Assorted small drill bits
Small chisels with various gouges
Various Acrylic Paints

This is a very basic list, designed to get a beginner started.  Once a crafter finds a style of projects that fit their style, you can being to branch out into specific types of supplies.  For instance, those that want to pursue gourd luminaries will find they may want a larger selection of drill bits, awls, as well as a lamp kit.  Incorporating weaving into your gourds will require a larger set of needles, perhaps leather working tools, pine needles, and specialty threads.

For the beginner, or a "shared toolbox" - you don't need to go and buy high end materials.  Mostly because a new user is going to want to do some experimentation to find the types of supplies that work well for them and their style.

That being said - remember the old adage - "you get what you pay for."  You won't be able to create quality gourd art, with out quality gourd art supplies.  It is just unlikely you'll find good paint brushes, paints, others finer precision tools at a Dollar Store or Wal-mart.  That being said - you can easily save some money on some of the more generic items on the list.  Shop around, do you homework, and don't be afraid to ask you other "patch" members when you see something different in in their tool box.

The time you spend on your gourds is valuable, and you want them to be representative of the work you do.  When you create a piece of art - that piece is forever bound to you and your name.  Take the time to learn what will be the best investment for your work.

Can't remember the whole list?  Not to worry - save this info graphic as an easy reference for when you want to talk about the right tools to have.

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Posted in Club, Tools.