Gourd Tutorials and Resources

Gourd Tutorials and Resources

Key Books
The Complete Book Of Gourd Craft

“This book covers growing, harvesting, and curing as well as crafting and finishing....The projects, are artistic and imaginative and cover all techniques of dealing with gourds.”—Library Journal. “Lots of inspiring gourd crafting techniques and ideas—I highly recommend The Complete Book of Gourd Craft...its 300 color photos... depict many...amazing things you can create...plenty of detailed information.”—Organic Gardening.

Doodling Borders for Wood Burning, Gourds, & Drawing

This book takes you step-by-step through the process of drawing twenty-five patterns for wood burning and gourd decoration—with different variations and shading techniques—and applying and adapting the patterns with an easy drawing method.  Beginning and master gourd artists will find inspiration for designs here, beyond the limited selection offered by clip art and transfers.



Key Webpages

The American Gourd Society - The American Gourd Society promotes interest in all activities relating to gourds: cultivation and artistic shape manipulation, historical uses, gourd show competition, craftwork, and artistic decoration.  While it provides access to multiple resources - at present the webpages themselves are woefully crafted an in need of an overhaul. 

Arizona Gourds Website of Bonnie Gibson, well respected gourd crafter as well as book author.  Her book - Gourds: Southwest Gourd Techniques & Projects from Simple to Sophisticated, is a must have for any gourd crafter.

The Sawdust Connection The Sawdust Connection is a great source for all things related to pyrography.  Featuring a wide vairiety of tools, resources, and tutorials - if you have a question on general pyrography - there is a decent chance the answer is here.  In addition, check out our own resource on gourd pyrography woodburners here.

GourdDepot Sure we'll toot our own horn.  We are trying to post a wide variety of content that will be valuable for both the newcomer to the hobby, as well as seasoned crafters.


Most Eye Catching Crafts

Gourd Luminaries  Few things can catch a person's eye like a gourd luminary.  They immediately catch the eye, even when they aren't lit - but when the room lights go out, and the luminary goes on - well don't be surprised when you hear the sharp intake of breath.  Luminaries are great, because they "scale" with skill level.  A beginner crafter can create a nice piece of work, and as they techniques grow and expand - the detail and depth of the luminary will grow with them.


Gourd Banjos - We are working on this piece now.  Much like a luminary, a gourd banjo immediately draws the eyes to it.  Not only will fellow gourders and wood workers appreciate the craftsmanship, but you can expect your fair share of compliments from musicians as well.  Check out Romero Banjos and you'll see what I mean.

Best Club/Gourd Patch/Gourd Society Web Pages Pages

San Diego County Gourd Artists If you are just starting to create a gourd patch then I would definitely jump over to the San Diego County Gourd Artist site and see how they have created their webpage - because they are doing it right!  The page itself seems to be geared towards recruitment of new members, as they have special links for new members, as well as their own shopping list of supplies.  In addition, they've created a supplemental Facebook page and a Members only section as well.  They provide a nice page open for anyone to visit that provides links to other gourd related resources as well.

Idaho Gourd Society  The Idaho Gourd Society website is another example of a clean website that is easy to follow and find important information.  The Downloads and Links page is full of helpful documents related to the Idaho Gourd Society but could easily be tailored to a small patch all the way up to a state wide organization.  Their state festival page is fantastic!  It address pertinent information for vendors, participants, and festival curriculum.

Best Facebook Groups

Gourd Art Community The Gourd Art Community is just that - its a community.  It seems regardless of the skill level, all are welcome there and all seem to appreciate the talents each bring to the table.  Some come with a question that need answered, some come to show off their work, and some come just to look around.  Whatever the reason, the Gourd Art Community has definitely made an impression.  With over 1,000 members and growing it is a great place to visit to become inspired.

Gourd Art Not to be confused with the aforementioned Gourd Art Community, the Gourd Art group is another active group in the Facebook world.  I would say that it is more of a showcase, than say the Gourd Art Community is, but nonetheless, it should definitely be part of your Facebook network if its not already.

American Gourd Society Ok - I know will probably be an unpopular statement - but Thank God the American Gourd Society has a Facebook page, because their website is in dire need of an overhaul.  Their Facebook page on the other hand is fairly decent.  Not so much for jaw dropping content - but more so because of the interaction between members.  What the Gourd Art group is for showcasing projects, the American Gourd Society is for interaction.  Several instructors including well known Bonnie Gibson from Arizona Gourds can be seen on the site.


Good, Better, Best – Gourd and Wood Working Masks

Why You Need A Gourd Dust Mask or Respirator

I know that this isn't one of the most exciting or artsy topics to go over, but given the potential hazards of working with fine particulates, fumes from wood burning, as well as other nastys that become exposed when you open up a gourd, it is important to take steps to protect yourself while working with gourds.  While it is certainly fun to find the best woodburner or best jigsaw - taking a few minutes of research now for your long term health, is going to be well worth it. Take a moment or two to find the best gourd working dust mask or respirator

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March Gourd Madness

March Gourd Madness

Step into spring by attending March Gourd Madness.  This  2 day event on March 23rd and 24th will offer a variety of free demonstrations, classes, and a variety of gourd art vendors and gourd art supply.  Attending the event is free, but some of the classes do have a nominal charge.

The Chilton County Arts Council is one of the show’s sponsors.  In December of 2017, the Art’s Council received a grant of $2,650 to help with the show’s production.  Other show sponsors include the Alabama State Council on the Arts, The National Endowment of the Arts, and the City of Clanton.

Some of the class highlights include

  • Vinegar Graining
  • Leather Tooling
  • Beginning Gourd Art
  • Luffa Inserts

A full list of classes can be found at March Gourd Madness Classes

Space is limited, so registration is strongly encouraged.  Questions and registration can be directed to Mack Gothard at gothardgourdgarden@gmail.com or 205-245-9441.  Mack also serves as the president of the Alabama Gourd Society.

To have your event listed with us please contact us.